A encouraged lovebirds food is a seed blend that states it’s “recommended for lovebirds”

A encouraged lovebirds food is a seed blend that states it’s “recommended for lovebirds”
As cat owners, all of us want to hold our pets as healthful as we can for so long as possible. Most of us realize that feeding a high exceptional best cat food plan is one of the fine approaches to do that. However, finding the best cat food in India can be quite confusing. The picks appear endless and…
October and November is the month of festivals in India. November is the month of Diwali, and Diwali is the scariest festival for our miserable friends with sensitive ears; cats or dogs. After seeing my first pet dog shivering for the loud cracker’s noise, I quit bursting crackers. It is hard to make the thick headed crowd understand the pain the…
Earlier this year I had written a post on how to introduce your baby to your dog and today I came across this image regarding babies immunity improves by 31% if the baby is brought up with a dog. You have a baby at home, then what are you waiting for?
One side dogs are killed in yulin festival another side cows are killed for its meat and leather. I am really shocked with what all heinous acts we humans are capable of. I was browsing through YouTube and came across one more sad video of a pigeon being tied to a rocket and launched to welcome one of the political party members.…
Many Dog owners are apprehensive of trimming their dog nails, reason, the dog usually gets ferocious or the owner is worried about cutting the quick. What is Quick in a Dog’s nail? The Quick is the pink area inside the nail. The quick is where the nerves and blood vessels very similar to area under our nails. Buy Futaba Black Stainless Steel And…
Is your dog spending more time on your bed and couch? Is your dog constantly scratching itself? Is your dog smelling bad? If the answer is yes for one of the above questions, then it is time to give your dog a bath. For some giving bath to their dog is a real challenge. Some dogs are so smart, the moment you…
Emergency is something which can occur anytime to any living being. In such a scenario one should never panic and should focus on what need to be done. Always keep the below tips in mind as first aid for Dogs or Cats or any pet in case of emergency. Poisoning Pets are generally curious of any strange materials around them. Some…
Puppies are adorable and the most cutest creatures on earth. But, taking care of puppies is a very responsible and demanding task. You will be the puppies parent and you must ensure that you bring up the puppy like your own child. German shepherd puppies need to be separated from its mother after it is at least 45 days old.…
I had been approached by couple of readers, in case I had a collection of German shepherd movies. I too felt a need of this list and I did some searching on IMDB.com and made a segregated list of these movies. Hope the below list helps anybody who are looking for the list. I will try to put some links so…