Ticks in dogs are parasites that live on the bodies of pets and eat other living things’ blood to stay alive. These spider-like bloodsucking insects are typically located in tall grass and can adhere to the bodies of nearby cats or dogs. Ticks are present all year round, however between spring and autumn is when they are most common.

Reason For Ticks
Ticks on our pets typically come from the environment rather than from other animals. Ticks are drawn to our dogs by a variety of factors, including their warmth, physical contact, and odours. In warm climates like spring or summer, ticks are most active. It can spread illnesses like ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, equine encephalitis, tularemia, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, and (only in animals) anaplasmosis.
Some of the signs include:
These pesky parasites can harm your pet in a number of ways. It can be difficult to see these tiny bloodsuckers in your dog’s fur, but some symptoms are obvious:
- Fever
- Itching
- considerable head shaking
- Unidentified scabs
- Little Bump
- Redness and skin inflammation
- reduced appetite
- Lethargy
How can you find and get ticks out of your dog’s fur?
The dog’s head, neck, ear, and feet are the areas where ticks are most frequently discovered. A tick on your pet’s skin feels like a tiny lump. When you return after a stroll with your dog, run your hands over its body to feel for bumps.
Never crush a tick’s body or let its head get caught inside your dog if you locate one. Infection risks rise when a tick’s body is squeezed, as it may release blood back into your dog. The best removal technique is to twist them off your dog. If you need more guidance, ask your veterinarian.
Also Read: Best Dog Shampoo In India
Home Remedies For Ticks In Dogs
Tick powder for dogs
Tick powders are something which I can vouch for; since my childhood days I have tried this on my dogs and the results were amazing. The one brand which I can strongly recommend is Notix. Notix has been around in India more than 20 plus years and is very good product. The only disadvantage I noticed is the hair of the dog becomes rough. I would not recommend to use it regularly. You can use it when the ticks are too much out of control, around once a month or maximum twice a month.
Tick shampoo for dogs
Giving your dog a nice bath is not only refreshing but can get rid of ticks and fleas too. But, just a water bath is not enough to get rid of all the ticks and fleas. If this is the first time you are giving your dog a bath then you should consider reading my post on-how to give your dog a bath.
For an effective tick treatment you should use shampoos which have tick repellents. Make sure the tick shampoo is made up of ingredients like cedar, neem, eucalyptus, lavender or citrus. Some say even apply fennel leaves have shown significant results. If your dog has long hair then you could consider getting a hair cut too. There are lot of dog hair styles which are short and trendy this summer and do not worry of your dog looks.
Also Read: Best dog shampoos in India
Tick collars for dogs

This is something new for me to tell about, but my friends who got tick collars put on their dogs seem to be telling the results are amazing. I wonder how does this really work. If you do know it then please share the GYAAN to me too.
Tick spray for dogs
Tick sprays are very similar to tick powders. Tick sprays are easier to apply and there is no tendency to drop the spray like dog powders. It is very effective as dog powders. The only problem is some dogs don’t like the spray and do run away. I assume it could because they do not like a liquid sprayed on them. In this case you are better off with tick powders.
Treat the house and lawn
Once you have given one of the above treatment to your dog or cat, the next step is to ensure no more ticks come back in the future. Vacuum your carpet and couch. Also try to apply borax powder on the dogs bed as preventive measure. Borax powder is effective in killing the eggs of ticks and fleas. If you have a garden or a lawn then plant eucalyptus or fennel or any tick repellent plants.
Prevention Of Ticks In Dogs
- Juice them first Away
It is well known that citrus flavours and odours repel ticks. Before bringing your dog for a walk or short journey, softly rub the fur with freshly squeezed orange or lemon juice. - Rub-a-Dub Tub
The majority of the ticks on your pet’s body will be removed by a thorough bath in a tub of water. The majority of ticks can be removed from the pet by thoroughly brushing it and using a light pet wash. - Dog Tub Bath
A clean home promotes good health.
Always keep your home and the area around it clean since ticks are drawn to a dirty environment. maintaining the shape of your trees, bushes, and lawn. The quantity of ticks and fleas in your backyard will be lessened. You can also hire outside assistance to clean up your lawns or apply disinfectants to them. - Organic Oils
Controlling these diseases should be a top focus since ticks can spread harmful bacteria that can lead to serious illnesses in animals. Some natural repellents include rose geranium oil and tickweed, which is effective at removing ticks. Making one’s own tick repellant is also possible by mixing 20 drops of each oil with 2 tablespoons of almond oil. Apply the mixture on your dog’s neck. - Put them in a suit or dress
Tall grasses are the usual habitat for ticks. Ticks are always brought home after visiting these regions with your dog. In order to protect your dog from ticks when visiting a place with long grass and plants, try to cover your dog.
If your dog has a serious infestation—defined as detecting 5 or more ticks in one day—always see a vet!
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