I was bought up with dogs and I have shed enough tears when they had to leave us forever. It is a very sentimental and a tough phase which I would not want any pet owner to go through. I could gather some information you can see in the below table which can give an average dog lifespan.
Do scroll further below to read further on how you can try to make sure the dog can live up to its fullest lifespan. You would not believe if I mentioned I had a Pomeranian which lived up to 18 years, where as the Pomeranian dog lifespan is usually 14 years.
List Of Dog Lifespan By Breed

Increasing The Dog Lifespan
It is not that I am going to share you a secret recipe to increase the lifespan for a dog, what I am going to share are usually common sense and I have seen most of them ignore it.
Dog care
Yes, you heard me right; dog care is very important for the upkeep of your dogs health. A dog with proper exercise, diet and vaccinations on time will have higher chance of living the complete lifespan or if possible an extra 1 or 2 years more than the usual dog lifespan. The most common diseases like distemper which poses serious threat to dogs can be easily avoided when the dogs are given vaccination on time. You can read more about the dog vaccination schedule here.
Spaying or Neutering of dogs
Not, sure how far is this myth is true. But as per studies and hearing dog owners experience I would rather believe it than taking a chance with my dog’s lifespan. I got my doberman spayed and she is now close to 9 years old when I am writing this post(21-Nov-2019) hoping it can beat the life span of doberman . I really cannot think of loosing my dog which would shatter my heart.
If you found this information helpful, please do consider sharing this post among your friends. If you feel I have missed any breed to be considered for the lifespan, then let me know I will add them for you.
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